Cubierto con tormenta y lluvia escasa 13min 18max
a+ a-


San Javier Town Hall, First Floor
Plaza de España, 3
30730 San Javier, Murcia
Telephone: 968 573 700; Ext. 5215
Fax: 968 191 617
E-mail: on Facebook:

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You can consult the available Municipal Ecoparques, in the tab "Facilities" .

  • Recycling management
  • Selective containers and used cooking oil points.
  • Granting of burn permits.
  • Municipal ecoparks.
  • Management of the waste treatment center.
  • Environmental campaigns, environmental education activities and grants.
  • Promotion of renewable energies
  • Management of household pruning collection containers.
  • Protection of the environment
  • Environmental qualification and environmental documents.
  • Discharge authorizations.

More information:


Displaying 1-10 of 43 results.

Displaying 1-10 of 43 results.


    Ecoparque Los Pozuelos

    Ecoparque Los Pozuelos

    Avenida de Los Pozuelos

    From Monday to Friday, morning 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Summer will open at 9:30 am (JULY AND AUGUST) and from July 15 to August 15 will be closed in the afternoon.

    Ecoparque of the Polygon of the Urreas

    Waste that is They admit, in domestic quantities: used car batteries, Electrical and electronic (refrigerators, microwaves, computers, Televisions, mobiles, etc.), solvents, paint scraps, oil Used kitchen, scrap, button and alkaline batteries, tubes Fluorescent and light bulbs, toners and printer cartridges.

    Used mattresses and whole furniture are also allowed.

    Calle Sierra de Carrasquilla, Polígono de los Urreas

    Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; In summer until 13:30 hours (JULY AND AUGUST)

    Ecoparque Mobile

    Mobile collection point


    El Mirador: 8:00-9:15 hours (Downtown Health, Conciliation Center and School) / San Cayetano: 10:15-10:45 (Esplanade Of San Cayetano) / Pozo Aledo: 11:00-11:30 (Plaza Of the Church) / Roda: 12:00-13:00 (Urbaniz. Roda Golf) / San Javier: 13:30-14:00 (Park opposite C / Salvador Dalí).


    Santiago Of the Ribera (-Barrio San Blás, Avda. Mediterráneo). San Javier (-College Sacred Heart, College La Paz and IES Ruiz de Alda, -Aidemar, -IES Mar Menor and Taray area, -Barrio Of the Rivers-Hypermarket Lidl). Santiago De la Ribera (-Cinema Of summer, - Barrio Mil Flores-C / Perdiguera Island, next to clean point).


    Santiago De la Ribera (-Plaza Virgen de la Fuensanta, -Colegio Fulgencio Ruiz, -Zona Of market-Avda. Carrero Blanco with C / Luis Federico Guirado and C / Virgin of Loreto, -Barrio Of the Fishermen-Plaza de Segura Area, -Centro Civic and Center of older people-C / Roses corner C / Acacias, -C Master corner C / La Cárcel, front AGA, -Colegio Our Lady of Loreto, -Avda. El Mirador, together Subofficer Floors, -Plaza Elliptical with Avda. Francisco Franco).


    San Javier (-Neighborhood Castejón-Plaza Murcia, - Centro Comercial Hispania, - Colegio Joaquín Carrión, -Colegio Severo Ochoa, -Colegio Nº 4, -Mercadillo-Car Park Park Almansa, - Neighborhood Los Migalos-Plaza Constelación, - Barrio Calles Los Cabos, - District of the PDM (Polideportivo Municipal).

    Dirección: Mirar horarios

    See description

    Waste Management Center

    Waste Management Center Paraje Los Garranchos

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