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Town planning

Ayuntamiento de San Javier
1st floor
Plaza de España, 3
30730 San Javier

In accordance with articles 262 and Of the Law 13/2015, of March 30, on the territorial and urban planning of the Region of Murcia and article 71.bis of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, it is proceeded to publish the models of responsible declaration and prior communication of the City council of San Javier, which are indicated below, and can be downloaded in word format.

Also, Responsible for activities, as well as the certificates that must accompany said declaration, and the prior communication for the transmission of enabling qualifications of activity.

The GENERAL PLANNING currently in force in our municipality is constituted by the SUBSIDIARY PLANNING STANDARDS T.M. SAN JAVIER (NN.SS.). The full normative content of the REFLECTED TEXT of the NN.SS. Of PLANNING is published in BORM nº-180- of August 5, 2004. To access it, go to the following URL of the Paragraph 3.- Other Provisions, on Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Transport, 10644 Agreement adopted by the Government as of June 25, 2004, ... SAN SUBSIDIARY RULES JAVIER, REFLECTED TEXT. Downloading this file can last Just a few minutes, be patient. If for some reason you could not Download from this website can do it through the official website of the BORM Y Search by date (5-August-2004-> See) and in I.Community Autonomous, 1. General Settings, click on the section 3.- Other Provisions, on the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and 10644 Agreement adopted by the Governing Council as of June 25, 2004, .... Subsidiary Standards of San Javier.
For Complete the urban planning information regarding the current legislation Contained in the Consolidated Text of the Subsidiary Planning of the t.m. Of San Javier (T.R.NN.SS.) should be taken into Account the MODIFICATIONS nº-61 and nº-65- of the NN.SS. , Which were finally adopted on 23 June 2005 and on 20 January Respectively, affecting almost all of the Building regulations contained in the T.R. NN.SS. Of Planning.

MODIFICATION nº-61- is published in BORM nº-219- of September 22, 2005. You can access it through the sigOr in La Manga del Mar Menor, you can Access it through the following URL belonging to The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment: /en/costas/en/procedures-gestion-public-domain-maritimo-terrestre/linea-deslinde/default.aspx

To access the CARM Official Cartographic Information You should go to the following URL (CARTOMUR)

The GENERAL MUNICIPAL PLAN FOR URBAN ORDINATION, which has been approved on a provisional basis on December 11, 2014, as well as the documentation of the process of its STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION, up to the ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT can be consulted in full at the following URL

Last June 28, 2014 was published in the BORM nº -147- the announcement by which the ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT of the GENERAL MUNICIPAL PLAN OF URBAN ORDINATION is submitted to public information by Within 45 working days. The period of public exposure and Submission of submissions ends on 20 August 2014. The referred Environmental Sustainability Report is Exposed to the public in the Town Planning Office of the San Javier, 1st floor of the consistorial building located in Plaza de España nº-3-.
All the documentation related to the procedure of STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, in particular the ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY exposed to the public can be consulted and Downloaded from the following website http: //

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