Cubierto con tormenta y lluvia escasa 13min 18max
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Prevention RRLL

Occupational Hazard Prevention Service
San Javier City Hall
Plaza España, 3 (2nd floor)
30730 San Javier, Murcia

Phone: 968 573 700; Ext. 5346/5333
Fax: 968 193 097
The service of prevention of occupational risks in a negotiation of exclusively internal management, in application of the current legislation. Its functions and activities are defined in the Regulation of prevention services and in the General System for the Prevention of Occupational Risks, approved by the Plenary of the Corporation dated June 24, 2002, unanimously by its 17 members. P>

The service of prevention of occupational risks is a Exclusively internal management, in application of the current regulations. Its functions and activities are defined in the Regulations of the Prevention services and in the General System of Risk Prevention Labor Law, approved by the Plenary of the Corporation dated June 2002, by unanimity of its 17 members.

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