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The local sailor Carlos Martínez proclaims himself European Champion Master in Laser Class Standard


The mayor of San Javier José Miguel Luengo and the councilor of Sports, Sergio Martinez received today at City Hall sailor from Santiago de la Ribera Carlos Martinez who has just proclaiming itself the European Champion Laser Standard Grand Master in Roses, Girona, followed on the podium by the Spanish Olympic champion José Luis Doreste who was in second place and the Dominican Ari Barshi, who was third. Carlos Martínez, who was already champion of Europa Master Laser in the Fouesnant Championship, France in 2017, got the title thanks to the perseverance throughout the 10 Championships whose main difficulty was to fight against the Tramuntana wind usual in the area.

The sailor from Santiago de la Ribera is now preparing for the World Championship Master to be held in the Netherlands next month of September. The mayor, José Miguel Luengo congratulated Carlos Martínez for the new title that adds to his extensive medal table achieved throughout a long career in the world of the candle in which he started as a child with an optimist in the Club Nautical of Santiago de la Ribera. Luengo highlighted the effort personal of Carlos Martínez who assumes as "amateur" his participation in the different championships taking the name of the Nautical Club of Santiago de la Ribera, as well as that of the municipality and the Region of Murcia.

Carlos Martínez has gone through different classes in the wide world of the sail during his competition period getting title


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